Newsletter Archive & Signup

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Here I will attempt to add links or PDFs of newsletters I have previously sent out. Content includes seasonally thematic convergences of human body and earth body, and maybe other odds and ends. Subscribe if you’d like to receive such occasional musings at their original time of digital emergence.

May 2024- “Choreographies of Disturbance, Disaster, and Possibility”

January 2024- “Seeds, Stars, Staunton”

September 2023 – “Minding the Mountain Mange”

March 2023 – “Spring Feelings and Felt Healing”

October 2022- “Golden Celebrations and Incorporeal Incorporations”

April 2022- “Matters and Membranes of Life and Death”

November 2021- “Embodying the Songs of Longing”

March 2021- “What Bones Can Grow Inside Pomegranate Cages?”

February 2021- “What is Ecosomatics?”