an immersive laboratory/workshop facilitated by Meg Madden and Victoria Moyer

Sept. 27th-29th, 2024 in Afton, VA and nearby field trip sites
Join us for an immersive weekend connecting with medicines and movements of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Participants can expect a blend of lecture, dialogue, hiking/plant walks, land tending practices, plant journeys, somatic movement and dance practices (solo, partner, and group formats), and time for wandering.
Movement, energy, and gesture illuminate patterns in landscapes, seasons, medicinal plants, physiology, personality, and perception. With the ecology of our body nested within the ecologies of other bodies, we will explore, discuss, and sense into these patterns through the lenses of energetic herbalism and somatic movement.
Cost: Sliding Scale $200-$400 for the weekend immersion, with options for other payment structures.
More information and registration at: